New ROMACT T.C.C. component starts in Germany and Northern Ireland

As a result of the call for proposals for the ROMACT Transnational Cooperation Component (T.C.C.) closed on 29 April 2016, mediators’ trainings are organised upon the requests expressed by applicant municipalities under Module B of ROMACT T.C.C – Training of Mediators.

The first training under this new component is currently being held in Dortmund, Germany (27-30 September 2016), and is organised in cooperation with ISB Dortmund (Interessengemeinschaft sozialgewerblicher Beschäftigungsinitiativen e.V.). Around 16 employees of the municipalities and other administrative structures of Gelsenkirchen, Duisburg and Dortmund - some of Roma origin - will be trained in two sessions, with a six-month practice in between during which the trained personnel will apply newly acquired concepts in their workplace. Learn more on the methodology used during the training here.

A second training of mediators will also be held 3-4 October in Belfast, in cooperation with the Good Relations Office of the Belfast City Council. Around 14 participants will attend the training, representing both public bodies and NGOs from Belfast. A small number of participants are representatives of the Health Service Executive of the Republic of Ireland, based in Dublin.

Photo Gallery of the Training of Mediators in Dortmund

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