Post date: 2016, 6 December
Launched in 2016, ROMACT T.C.C. (ROMACT Transnational Cooperation Component) is a new component of the ROMACT Programme that focuses on the cooperation between municipalities from or to which movements of marginalised populations occur, with a focus on Roma.  A networking event  took place in Munich on 15-16 December to exchange experiences and enhance cooperation between interested cities. The event gathered representatives of local authorities and mandated NGOs which benefited from...
Post date: 2016, 22 November
Since our last update on 8 November, new developments took place in Alesd for Simona’s house. The foundation of the house is now complete, and a local priest will provide all the bricks needed for the construction. Thanks to the mobilization, a construction company also offered to do the insulation of the building, the walls plastering and to set up all the electrical system. The Municipality of Alesd will be in charge of building the roof of the house and the ROMACT Community Action...
Post date: 2016, 9 November
Via, read full article in Italian here   (translation from Italian) The President of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, expresses full solidarity and closeness to the Italian representative of the Council of Europe on Roma integration policies, Djiana Pavlovic, and her husband Paolo Cagna Ninchi, who was the target of a racially motivated attack. "I condemn firmly the violence suffered by the president of "Upre Roma", always at the forefront for law enforcement...
Post date: 2016, 8 November
Simona and her children couldn’t have gone through another winter in the cottage they called home.   Touched by their dire situation, community members in Alesd had launched in October an intense campaign (“A home for Simona”) with the help of the ROMACT Team in N-W Romania. The city hall of Alesd also got involved, acting as intermediary with firms making donations in kind, and committing to financing the roof of the house once the rest is built up. Moreover, street and...
Post date: 2016, 27 October
On 25 October 2016, during a public session in the Urban Center of the city, Ms Francesca Bottalico – Head of the Welfare Department of the Municipality of Bari - together with the ROMACT Support Team in Italy, presented the main measures included in the Local Action Plan for Roma Integration which will be forwarded to the local council for adoption in the coming days.   The document was described as “innovative” and an opportunity to “create sustainable welfare...
Post date: 2016, 26 October
In the premises of the Council of Europe (CoE) office in Brussels, Valeriu Nicolae, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the CoE (SRSG) for Roma issues talked about ROMACT and ROMED as successful long-term programmes that bring about concrete results at local level: “We have more and more local administrations that want to work with us and develop plans for social inclusion of Roma, which is very much in line with the Framework Strategies for Roma inclusion.” real...
Post date: 2016, 25 October
There is a marginalised neighborhood in your municipality.  What to do? "The ROMACT Handbook will assist you in improving the life of all citizens living in your municipality, including the Roma. It will help you in objectively assessing what needs to be done in your municipality, assist you in planning actions together with all those concerned, and show you how to translate these plans into concrete measures, and when needed - how to access and use EU and other funding for that...
Post date: 2016, 17 October
The Romanian Government has recently approved a new measure meant to encourage children to stay in school, in particular children coming from the most disadvantaged families.   Since in Romania over 125 000 children were commuting on a daily basis during the last school year and that these type of costs are one of the main reasons why disadvantaged children drop out of school, the measure comes as a practical way to alleviate the financial burden of the poorest of families....
Post date: 2016, 11 October
There is progress in ROMACT participant municipalities as they implement a new vaccination and information campaign. Due to the time required to clear necessary procedures for infrastructure projects, the wait can be rather long, so the Community Action Groups (CAG) in several locations in Romania chose to address some of their short-term priorities with measures that require little or no budgeting and which can be conducted immediately. Such was the case in Calvini and Ramnicelu where...
Post date: 2016, 6 October
It was an ambitious goal, but the ROMACT T.C.C. mediation training was complete within only two days (3-4 October 2016), instead of three and a half as it is usually required. Organised in cooperation with the Good Relations Office of the Belfast City Council, the session was conducted by Ms Lisa Rose, and involved some 14 participants, representing both public bodies and NGOs from Belfast.  A small number of participants were representatives of the Health Service Executive of...


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