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Mezdra municipality is located in north-west Bulgaria, in the Vratsa Province. It administers a total of 26 town and villages.
Roma are located in eight neighbourhoods in Mezdra municipality, in Mezdra (town), Moravitsa, Dolna Kremena, Brusen, Eliseyna , Krapets, Rebarkovo, Zverino.
Most Roma living in Mezdra belongs to the Dasikane and Kaldarashi sub-groups and speak both Romani and Bulgarian language.
ROMACT started in March 2020 with the signature of the Letter of agreement.
The Taskforce for Roma inclusion was created following Mayor's approval in September 2020.
As of November 2023, ROMACT process is reinforced in Mezdra and a new agreement was signed by the Mayor to reinforce the ROMACT cycle in the municipality.
The Municipality benefited of ROMACT expertise for the following projects :
* Establishment of a STEM center in 'Ivan Vazov' school, National Program “Establishing school STEM environment”, Funded by the Ministry of Education.
Status: rejected
* “Friendly hand” - KП33.19-1-061 – 2020- Competition Procedure 33.19-2020 of Center for Educational Integration of Children and Pupils from Ethnic Minorities (COIDUEM).
Status: rejected
* Green planet for equal people - Funded by the European Union.
Budget : 26 940€
Status : approved
* Exchange of good practices in the field of pre-school education for work in multicultural environment -diversity -knowledge-cohesion - Funded by the European Union and National government.
Budget : 60 000€
Status : on reserve list
* ENTREpreneurs in Europe, Creating a synergy between schools and the world of work and involving the labour market in supporting students’ motivation to stay at school and fostering their entrepreneurial spirit - Funded by the European Union and National government.
Budget : 30 000€
Status : approved
* "Nature needs our care!", develop environmental literacy and advocacy skills to change the policies of Roma citizens for environmental protection - Funded by the Financial Mechanism of European Economic Area and Norway grants.
Budget : 22 128€
Status : on reserve list
* Etno-Cultural Eco Roundabout - Funded by the European Union and National government.
Budget : 60 000€
Status : rejected
* Help for Platform for solving cases, development and dissemination of а digital tool to ask questions about all cases related to civic situation of Ukrainians in the region. Additionally Roma people can use the platform as a group with low level of civic participation.
Budget : 22 346€
Status : rejected
Trainings provided by ROMACT experts :
Community Action Groups (CAG):
* Community Survey;
* Raising professional skills of Roma mediators;
* Understand and Participate in CLLD strategies;
* Participation of CAG members in the municipal budget process;
* Role and meaning of NGOs for active civil society. Work for public benefit;
* Forms of advocacy, Role and functions of local authorities.
Local Authorities (LA):
* Data collection and preparation of the Community needs assessment;
* Including priorities and measures for Roma communities in the Integrated stratedies for territorial development;
* Address registration for persons who do not own legal home;
* Development of a Plan for integrated develoment of municipality - PIRO;
* Social and Emotional Development and Language Culture through Lego Education (Training for teachers).
LA and CAG :
* Presentation of Erasmus+ Program - KA1 Learning Mobility for Individuals; KA2 Cooperation between Organizations and Institution;
* Development and implementation of partnerships for prevention and intervention of drugs use in Roma communitie;
* Increasing the sensitivity to hate speech and prejudice against the Roma in the planning and implementation of inclusive policies;
Taskforce :
* National programs 2021 - 2027 funded by the EU structural and cohesion funds in support of municipal policies for social inclusion;
* Partnership management for planning and implementation of municipal policies for social inclusion;
* "Making the most from the Integrated Territorial Investments and Community Led Local Development for planning and implementing the municipal plans for social inclusion”.
ROMACT Small Grants Scheme :
ROMACT offers small grants scheme to support the efforts of the municipalities and Community Action Groups to respond together to the needs of the most vulnerable and to multiply the good practices across ROMACT municipalities.
Under the scheme of small grants, the following projects were supported by ROMACT between March 2020 – May 2021:
Initiative to counter COVID19 pandemic – Municipality of Mezdra
ROMACT supported the municipality with 3964 € reaching 300 families in Roma community. The project covered information campaign on COVID19 and provided masks, disinfectant products, informative flyers to raise awareness in the community. Food supplies were also provided for families with dire financial situation.
Creating a beautiful and friendly environment for children in Moravitsa – Municipality of Mezdra
ROMACT supported the municipality with 4962€, reaching 674 people composed largely of young people and children in Moravitsa village of Mezdra. The project provided the community with a children’s playground, fitness area and a green relaxation area. Having a common place for sports and relaxation increased the motivation for a healthy lifestyle which will support the development of children longtermly. A sports event with various activities was also organized to promote healthy habits and disciplined lifestyle among the youth.